The night of the Presidential Primary in Columbia, SC the infiltrators booed Drew McKissick. The light bulb was switched on I do believe of what has been happening in the GOP in S.C. and in many key states. President Trump states, “you all have some opinionated people here”. The cat was let out of the bag. The infiltrators exposed themselves to President Trump and the entire USA/world.

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Saul Alinsky infiltrators from the far left. McCissock has done a good job holding them off.

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Dan Schultz discussed Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals at length during the America First Forum in Charleston at the Americas First Forum and how the used this technique to take over the S.C. GOP - starting at the precinct level in each county across SC. We have 46 counties and 45 counties were infiltrated except for 1 county. Want to take a wild guess whose county wasn’t infiltrated? 😍😏

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good work man. I am in colorado district 3. (I found you through CFP.) I wasnt to sure about what happened with dave williams ouster. now i know. thanks.

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Thanks Troy! Glad it was helpful

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Matthew Trewhella has said “it’s time for good people to do bad things”. This seems to be the storyline for many of the cult members of the JBS.

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Do you have a link to that? I'd like to use it.

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This video involves Matt Trewhella telling of him protesting Rep. Dan Kelly when he was up for the Wisconsin St Supreme Court seat. He said he didn’t care if Liberal Marxist Janet Protasiewicz won and the ban on abortion was lifted. Dan Kelly couldn’t win because he didn’t repent for associating with Scott Pressler on his campaign trail and Scott is a “flaming homosexual”. Dan Kelly lost his seat to Janet. This man (Trewhella) is coming to Greer, SC on 9/26/24 to speak on “why Christians have an obligation to control their local governments”. He’s now telling his followers to vote for Kamala and not Trump (1 month ago). However, he’s always spoken against Trump and the Republican Party in his sermons and speeches.

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Give me some time - I started thinking as to where the link is at right after I heard you say this. Many of them have said this over and over lately.

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I sent you a video in messenger from our S.C. State RNC convention of our Lt Governor calling out the infiltrators. I was there as a state delegate

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MySCGOP Sheri Few is the Kershaw County, GOP State EC. There was an EC meeting last night and there was a motion made to remove her from all future EC meetings and it passed. She hasn’t been censored by the State EC committee yet though.

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Lt General Jerry Boykin

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General Flynn spoke at the America First Forum in 2023. Poor General Flynn he’s facing his own battle lol.

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Who’s been big in your state doing FACL training and Constitutional rights training? I would wager John Birch Society. I’m sure there is a main focal point as in County this is originating from.

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The goal of these FACL (Foundation for Applied Conservative Training) is to give power back to the Democratic Party.

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Sabrina pe, kerry lynn, etc

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