
Ep. 3: Another assassination attempt? And Staci Burk's court filing

Today I introduce Staci Burk's story. It's something I'll continue to expand on because Flynn REALLY doesn't want me to.

First, an exciting announcement: Staci called me after today’s livestream and generously - and courageously - offered to come on Friday’s member’s LIVE to share her story and field questions. Join TODAY so you don’t miss it!

In today’s show, I read through what I consider to be an important historical document: a notarized letter from Staci Burk’s therapist of eight years.

This letter validates and summarizes Staci’s story, and reveals the human cost of Flynn’s ops after the 2020 election.

For now, I’ll summarize Staci’s story:

Staci had a traumatic childhood and at age 20 lost her mother and young husband. She later married a brutally abusive man who killed their young son. In her 30s, she was diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension, a debilitating disease that requires her to be on oxygen most of the time.

In 2010, she ran for Gilbert School Board as a Republican. She befriended Andy Biggs, Kelly Townsend, Jake Hoffman and many others before she stepped down in 2014. In 2020, days after the election, she was targeted by the Flynn Network to be the vehicle to sign an affidavit that would have been used to obtain a FISA warrant to raid and ambush the Maricopa election center, while votes were still being counted in November, before certification.

When she refused to sign the affidavit, she was entrapped into an alleged custody situation by Flynn’s well-armed First Amendment Praetorian (1AP), who proceeded to run deceitful psyops on her, trying to entrap her in various crimes and threatened her life.

The founder of 1AP has already told me he intends to sue me for suggesting that they allegedly kidnapped some of those they offered “protection” to, possibly including Tina Peters. That threat of litigation was really just an attempt to intimidate and silence me, as it carries no weight. Staci has two affidavits from credible and disinterested witnesses that demonstrate it was more of a kidnapping/custody situation than a protection detail.

When I first read this story, my biggest source of doubt was this question: why Staci? They seemingly could have chosen anyone. Why did they choose a homebound, vulnerable single mom?

Well, to that I have exciting news: Staci Burk called me after today’s show and generously and courageously offered to come on my first Member’s Only Live tomorrow! Subscribe now!

One of the things we will discuss is the reason why Staci was singled out for this operation. It was shocking to me when I learned this. It has never been reported before and it completely validates my research on Flynn’s operations in state GOPs. In fact, it proves that this operation to fracture the Republican Party was planned at least since Flynn joined Trump’s campaign in February 2016 and was coordinated with high level Democrat operatives.

I’ll be writing more about this in the future for free subscribers as well, but this conversation will only be available to paid subscribers. Staci called me and said that she really wants to see my membership grow and generously offered to hold this exclusive event.