
Ep. 51: The Plots Against The President pt. 1: Mifsud

Today is the start of a new series, where I pull out the threads of a tapestry of various plots to take out President Trump and MAGA

My mission is to expose the psychological warfare against President Trump and MAGA by the deep state. I’ve been documenting, including in real time over the past year, many specific examples of how that has occurred - and it is ongoing.

I’ve come to understand the operations against Trump as a series of plots designed to harm him politically, cause him to lose, remove him politically, put him in prison, and even to kill him.

While many of these plots have been covered in depth, I’m choosing to focus my attention on what has been deliberately left out, under-emphasized or completely distorted in the record that has been designed for our consumption and collective understanding.

As I explore these plots, I plan to draw out connections between key players and seek to understand and weave together the common threads - the people whose repeated involvement and fruits show them to be key players working against President Trump and MAGA.

Today I start with the two players who were at the very beginning of the Russiagate plot against Trump - General Flynn and Joseph Mifsud. We look at the event where it really started, a Russia Today speaking gig for Flynn in Moscow where he dined with Putin two months before joining Trump’s campaign.

The connections are much deeper than that, as I outline in this illustration and dive much deeper into in today’s show.

If this is valuable to you, please help me continue this work with your paid subscription! I’ll be doing another live show tomorrow for my paid subscribers.