To contribute to my legal defense fund, go to:
On Feb. 14, 2025 I got a call from a local (Democrat) reporter who was very excited to inform me that the Democrat prosecutor in a neighboring county had been assigned as a special prosecutor by Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and has filed felony charges against me.
I have been charged with allegedly swearing falsely on my candidate filing affidavit when I filed to run for Lapeer County Commissioner. It is a felony charge with up to 5 years in prison.
I believe I was completely honest in my filing and I do live full time at the address I filed at in my district.
The timing of the filing of charges is interesting, as it came just three weeks after I defended Christian counseling to help minors find their identity in Christ instead of in sex during a debate about pornographic materials in the children's section of the public library. Video of my statements were widely shared in Democrat circles in Michigan, as they claimed I was using my elected position to try to force Christianity on children. Of course, I would never force any belief on anyone, but it is deeply unsettling to be facing a prison sentence over what I believe to be a political prosecution.
As an investigative journalist, I have reported on powerful individuals on the right and the left, and their connections to what I have come to believe is a military intelligence operation against American citizens. Indeed, General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and many others celebrated these charges against me on X, just hours after it was published in our tiny local paper that most in my county don’t even read.
Flynn himself strongly implied that this was done to me because I have exercised my First Amendment rights in criticizing him, calling the charges justice and karma for my work in exposing him. He also called me a horse’s ass.
Ann Vandersteel called me a Brennan Troll:
Lara “Boobs” Logan called me a liar:
Patrick Byrne gave me a shout out from Dubai:
But my favorite was Roger Stone, who said that 5 years in prison would not be enough for this piece of human garbage:
I have also earned enemies locally, as these charges came just after I defended children’s rights to find their identity in Christ instead of in sex at a county commission meeting.
I don’t know who is behind the criminal complaint but my work both as a commissioner and a journalist has clearly ruffled some feathers.
This is very serious though. I have three children, age 6, 10 and 12, who need me. I am my mother's primary caregiver. I believe I am serving my constituents faithfully. And I also believe my investigative journalism is unique and important.
I will fight this lawfare for their sake and for the sake of my constituents.
I believe the intention behind this is to bankrupt and silence me, and I pray it does not work. I need your help to fight this. I have retained the very best criminal defense attorney in this region of Michigan. 100% of what you give will go towards my legal expenses.I thank you and my family thanks you.
To contribute to my legal defense fund, go to:
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