
FREE: Member's Q&A 11/1/24

What a great time to be alive.

Some member’s have asked me to make this episode free to all, so here it is.

Don’t miss what Trump is doing and don’t take it for granted. We are witnessing the single greatest political campaign in human history in my opinion. He has had over 100,000 attendees as multiple events. He’s doing events from the time he wakes to the time he’s going to bed. He’s been to red states, blue states and purple states. What Trump is doing under unprecedented (literal) fire is unparalleled.

And it’s not just the events. It’s how genuine, thoughtful, inspiring and funny he is. This is true courage under fire.

We need to absolutely flood the zone, and we can and will do that. Let’s win this together. Ask everyone you speak to if they’ve voted, and if they haven’t encourage them to do so and to vote Trump and all downballot Republicans. Even if your Rep or Senator is not your favorite, if we have a stronger Republican majority your favorite people in other districts and states will have a stronger voice.

Guard your heart against fear, hopelessness, despair and anger. We will win this and we will win it by being good.

In today’s Member’s Only podcast, I show Byrne’s PSYOP of the day (it’s bad and effective) and I talk about Gideon 300 and the threats surrounding Election Day.

If you plan to vote on Election Day, plan now to bring food and drink and be prepared to stand in line as long as it takes. Do not let bad actors strip you of your right to vote!

Thank you for your support!

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