
Oregon RNC Committeeman Solomon Yue part 1: CCP Infiltration

A truly stunning interview with an American hero.

Solomon was a brave truth-teller even as a boy, which led to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatening his father. He shares with us his story, and tells story after story about how he has been able to identify and stop several CCP infiltrations into the RNC and into President Trump’s inner circle.

This might be the most important podcast I have done yet. Solomon is a truly remarkable, humble, and good man.

And he’s been the target of racist, horrible attacks from within ORGOP.

You simply must listen to this one. The stories Solomon tells are bigger than him, bigger than the Oregon GOP, and bigger than the RNC.

Part 2 will be aired live on X, YouTube, and Facebook on 4/25 at 2pm EST.