RNC Committeewoman-elect for Arizona was kicked out of the state house just a few months after her election. She's doing the same stuff all over again. Shelby Busch seriously implicated.
Wow. Amazing. Where do we find the links you refer to that send us to the source documents and recordings?
I had a link titled "Dropbox" but added it again in bold at the end. Here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9w902a7pjbl0txym67ozy/AHO4z7vQRyB9ryWvDm7G2Wc?rlkey=18iiu5m1vx59j0k0zuaehut63&e=7&dl=0
Thank you!
Wow. Amazing. Where do we find the links you refer to that send us to the source documents and recordings?
I had a link titled "Dropbox" but added it again in bold at the end. Here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9w902a7pjbl0txym67ozy/AHO4z7vQRyB9ryWvDm7G2Wc?rlkey=18iiu5m1vx59j0k0zuaehut63&e=7&dl=0
Thank you!