I'm pretty involved in OK GOP politics, particularly in the Tulsa area. We are seeing first hand how Flynn's acolytes are causing division and disruption in the party which has undermined effective party leadership, hoodwinked naive newbies, indoctrinated many who have been involved previously, and activated their brigades and linch mobs toward further discord. And they do it all using christianese (lower case intentional) while simultaneously disregarding Romans 13, or twisting it for their own purposes. This fight is real and we are right in the middle of it.

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I too was deceived initially by their twisting of Romans 13. It's been at the forefront of my mind in recent weeks. Thank you so much for your comment.

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Those of us here in OK following your work are very interested in seeing you dive into the shenanigans going on here. Feel free to reach out if you need local resources.

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Great coverage on the network of characters who are part of great deception undermining much. Appreciate that you provide good resources and suggestions of what can be done. You’ve been filling in questions many of my friends have left these groups and knowing more about these people’s histories and operations will help us guide others away from continuing to listen to their nonsense. Thanks

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So good Scott, and just in time. I'm heading out this morning to work the polls in Maricopa County.

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I'll ask you an honest question. What jobs in the Desert would Obama/Brennan task him with? You think long about that. Why does he claim to know where the bodies are buried. Trump corrected that during a rally and said, I know where the bodies are buried. Trump gives you hints right there on stage every time he gives a rally. You need to closely listen to every single word.

How does Israel have a Dome, when the technology is ours? Why did the Army Generals tell him ISIS couldn't be solved for another 5 years? When Trump took them out in less than 2 months? Who really planned January 6th. Stone/Flynn the Army in the Pentagon, along with RINOs, Lindsey Graham, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer. and PENCE. Read Revolver. Why were the devices planned to go off at 1:00PM, why did the Secret Service not see the device when scanning for the VP, who was yes, in the DNC at the time. Why did they let little school age kids walk right in front of it? Why was Stone (spook) in DC on that day, Why was Flynn's friend and co-writer Boone Cutler, waving people into the Capital and then seen standing in full police gear inside the police line. That more you know.

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I keep telling you to pick up on the MG Show and see their research. Not conspiracy, real research into all these characters.

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If you think Trump doesn't know who Flynn is and where he's from, trust and relax that he does. Trump knows exactly who this scumbag is, and every single person associated with him. Trump spent his time in the White House, after he found out who Flynn was from day 24 onward, gathering every single piece of evidence to put them all away for a long time, legally and constitutionally. It will be dealt with, and it won't come from Trump. Trump has a country to reconcile. But Justice will be served. People should not underestimate Trump. He has an IQ of 160+ He knows exactly who is going where. Even Turning Point, will have no impact on that. Nor will Jack Poso. Trust that. I Trust Trump, and I back Vance. I Trust whoever Trump puts in his cabinet this time.

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